Wishing you the special magic and wonder
That only a Christmas can bring.
Merry Christmas!
Echo Apollo and Galahad were joint winners of class 13 - LL - "open", 80cm. The rider was Sławomir Przybysz.
Echo Apollo had twice zero penatly points in class 3 - LL - 80cm. Galahad had zero penalty points in class 3 and in class 4 - L0 - 90-95cm. Both the classes were precision contests, without a game.
There is the article "Poland means Beauty" in Tutto Arabi Poland (3) Winter 2011. The part "Arabians from the palace" is about Alicja Poszepczyńska, the manager and breeder in Chrcynno-Palace Stud.
Psyche Kreuza won the title "Top Ten Junior Female" at World Championships. She won this title three times in a row!
Psyche Kreuza and Chaos Persefona participated in World Championship at Salon du Cheval in Paris. Psyche Kreuza had 551 points and was fifth in class B Junior Femelle - Femelles de 1 a 3 ans. Chaos Persefona had 546 points in class A Senior Femelle - Femelles de 4 ans et plus.
We recommend the article by Urszula Łęczycka on polskiearaby.com: "Poland means beauty. Meet four Polish women breeders".
Congratulations to the new owner of Pele and Psyche Kora! They will be transported to their new home Anjelské Zahrady- Angels-Gardens s.r.o in Slovakia soon.