News 2024


Merry Christmas and happy New Year!

World Championship


Bred in our Stud Echo Anastazja was third in class 3A - Senior Females and won World Top Ten Senior Female title. 

Congratulations to the owner!

Echo Anastazja


We congratulate to the New Owner of Echo Anastazja and wish you a great success at shows!

European Championship


Psyche Roksana was fourth in class 3B - yearling fillies, Echo Anastazja was second in class 10 - 4-6 years old mares (92,60 points, 6x "20").

All Nations Cup Aachen


Echo Anastazja showed great in class 7 - mares 4-6 years old and she easily won the class with highest score of the show: 93.33 points (and 8x "20"). She also got a special trophy "Best Female - Title Show". 

She was also very good in Senior Mares Championship and she won Bronze Medal.

Psyche Inana, Gaja Hathor and Echo Daenerys


Congratulations to the New Owner on the purchase of fillies Psyche Inana and Gaja Hathor and mare Echo Daenerys! 

Prague 2024 - Intercup


Echo Anastazja participated in ECAHO A show and in European Cup. She was second in class of mares 4-6 years old 7 in A show Intercup and first in class in European Cup. She won Bronze Medal in European Senior Mares Championship. 

Poland won Prague Nations Cup. 

Praque 2024 - EAHGC


Our Psyche Roksana was second in class of yearling fillies 1 and won Bronze Medal at Junior Fillies Championship at Emirates Arabian Horse Global Cup show in Prague.

Pride of Poland and Summer Sale 2024


See our amazing mares Psyche Apsara (Pride of Poland Lot.5) and Psyche Diana (Summer Sale Lot. S/27) during Polish Arabian Horse Days 9-12.08.2024! 

All Polish Arabian Horse Championship


The results of our horses at ECAHO B National show in Klikowa near Tarnów: 

- Psyche Roksana - 2 place in class of yearling fillies 3A,

- Echo Amelia - 5 place in class od two years old fillies 5A,

- Echo Anastazja - 2 place in class of mares 4-6 years old 7B,

- Psyche Ofelia - 4 place in class of mares 7-9 years old 8. 

Chrcynno Pałac