Echo Apollo, Breeders' Championship Europe Warsaw 2012 by Barbara ZalewskaEcho Apollo, By Karol RzeczyckiEcho Apollo & Sławomir Przybysz, By Marta WołtoszEcho Apollo and
Slawomir Przybysz by Edyta Trojanska-KochEcho Apollo and
Slawomir Przybysz by Edyta Trojanska-KochEcho Apollo and
Slawomir Przybysz by Edyta Trojanska-KochEcho Apollo and Slawomir Przybysz by Edyta Trojanska-KochEcho Apollo by Edyta Trojanska-KochEcho Apollo by Edyta Trojanska - KochEcho Apollo by Edyta Trojanska - KochEcho Apollo, Polish National Show 2009 by Mateusz JaworskiEcho Apollo, Polish National Show 2009 by Mateusz JaworskiEcho Apollo, Polish National Show 2009 by Mateusz JaworskiEcho Apollo, Polish National Show 2009 by Mateusz JaworskiEcho Apollo, Junior Spring Show, Bialka 2009 by Aneta WnetrzakEcho Apollo by Alicja Poszepczynska
2009 - second in class, three years old colts, Polish National Show, Janów Podlaski 2009
2009 - fourth in class, three years old colts, Junior Spring Show, Białka 2009, Poland
Sport Competitions
2017 - 3rd place in class 70 Master Type&Conformation C&W (32 entries), European Championships for Arabian Sport Horses 2017, Austria
2017 - 3rd place in class 18 Advanced Dressur Children, international championships for arabian sport horses, Lower Austrian Championship 2017, Austria
2017 - 4th place in class 27 Master Classic Pleasure (LA CH), international championships for arabian sport horses, Lower Austrian Championship 2017, Austria
2016 - 1st place, show class in hand (DSAH CUP), Danish Nationals, Vilhelmsborg 2016, Denmark
2016 - 1st place, All Round Cup, Nordic Open (B int.) 2016, Denmark
2016 - 3th place, Master Dressur St.Georges, Austrian Sport Championships 2016, Austria
2016 - 2nd place, Master Type&Conformation, Austrian Sport Championships 2016, Austria
2015 - Silver Medal in Dressage, European Sport Championships for Arabian Horses 2015, Janów Podlaski, Poland
2015 - 2nd place in class 32 - Dressage (FEI Prix St. Georges Team Young Riders, Level M, Mono Final), European Sport Championships for Arabian Horses 2015, Janów Podlaski, Poland
2015 - 5th place in class 20 - Dressage (FEI Indywidual Comp. Juniors, Level A, C All Around, Mono Qualifier), European Sport Championships for Arabian Horses 2015, Janów Podlaski, Poland
2015 - 4th place in class 10 - Classic Pleasure (Level A, C All Around), European Sport Championships for Arabian Horses 2015, Janów Podlaski, Poland
2015 - third in Horsemanship, Open Lower Austrian Championships 2015, Austria
2015 - fourth in Native Costume, Open Lower Austrian Championships 2015, Austria
2015 - second (Silver Medal) in Classic Pleasure, Open Lower Austrian Championships 2015, Austria
2015 - Gold Medal All Around Classic, Open Austrian Championships 2015, Austria
2015 - fourth in Traditional Arabian Riding, Open Austrian Championships 2015, Austria
2015 - second - Silver Medal in Classic Pleasure, Open Austrian Championships 2015, Austria
2015 - third in dressage Prix St.Georges, Open Austrian Championships 2015, Austria
2015 - fourth in dressage M (Junior Individual) with a score 61,89%, Open Austrian Championships 2015, Austria
2015 - first in Type & Conformation, Open Austrian Championships 2015, Austria
2014 - WAHO Trophy 2014, Poland
2014 - fourth in class 28 – Classic Pleasure level A, European Sport Championships for Arabian Horses, Janów Podlaski 2014, Poland
2014 - fifth in class 27 – dressage FEI Prix St. Georges (CC-4), European Sport Championships for Arabian Horses, Janów Podlaski 2014, Poland
2014 - fifth in class 3 Classic Pleasure (Classic All Around), European Sport Championships for Arabian Horses, Janów Podlaski 2014, Poland
2014 - second in All Around Classic, International Austrian Championships 2014, Austria
2014 - fourth in Traditional Arabian Riding, International Austrian Championships 2014, Austria
2014 - third in Classic Pleasure, International Austrian Championships 2014, Austria
2014 - third in dressage M4, International Austrian Championships 2014, Austria
2014 - fifth in Type&Conformation, International Austrian Championships 2014, Austria
2014 - third in Traditional Arabian Riding, International Lower Austrian Championships 2014, Austria
2014 - fourth in Classic Pleasure, International Lower Austrian Championships 2014, Austria
2014 - second in dressage L/M1, International Lower Austrian Championships 2014, Austria
2013 - third place in class C-4, Regional Competition (Open) in Dressage, KJ Aromer 08.12.2013, Poland
2013 - third place in class C-3, Regional Competition (Open) in Dressage, KJ Aromer 08.12.2013, Poland
2013 - fifth place in Native Costume, Autumn Show, Janów Podlaski 2013, Poland
2013 - third place in Classic Pleasure, Autumn Show, Janów Podlaski 2013, Poland
2013 - second place in Dressage C-3, Autumn Show, Janów Podlaski 2013, Poland
2013 - Classic European Championships Cup (All-Round) winner, Dansk Selskab for Arabisk Hesteavl - Arabian Horse Event 2013 - European Sport Championships, Vilhelmsborg 2013, Denmark
2013 - second place in Mounted Native Costume, Dansk Selskab for Arabisk Hesteavl - Arabian Horse Event 2013 - European Sport Championships, Vilhelmsborg 2013, Denmark
2013 - fourth place in Classic Pleasure 4a, Dansk Selskab for Arabisk Hesteavl - Arabian Horse Event 2013 - European Sport Championships, Vilhelmsborg 2013, Denmark
2013 - Gold Medal in Classic Pleasure (D Senior), Polish National Sport Championships for Arabian Horses, Janów Podlaski 2013, Poland
2013 - first place in class D – Classic Pleasure – Senior’s semifinal (competition 5), Polish National Sport Championships for Arabian Horses, Janów Podlaski 2013, Poland
2013 - first place in class D – Classic Pleasure – Senior’s final (competition 23), Polish National Sport Championships for Arabian Horses, Janów Podlaski 2013, Poland
2013 - Bronze Medal in Dressage (A Senior), Polish National Sport Championships for Arabian Horses, Janów Podlaski 2013, Poland
2013 - third place in class A – Dressage – Senior’s final (competition 21, programme N-1), Polish National Sport Championships for Arabian Horses, Janów Podlaski 2013, Poland
2013 - fourth place in class A – Dressage – Senior’s semifinal (competition 2, programme P-4), Polish National Sport Championships for Arabian Horses, Janów Podlaski 2013, Poland
2013 - first place in class D – Classic Pleasure – Senior’s semifinal (competition 5), Polish National Sport Championships for Arabian Horses, Janów Podlaski 2013, Poland
2013 - Gold Medal in classification Allround Classic, Open Austrian Championship for Arabian Sport Horses 2013, Austria
2013 - first place in Type & Conformation, Open Austrian Championship for Arabian Sport Horses 2013, Austria
2013 - fourth place in Traditional Arabian Riding, Open Austrian Championship for Arabian Sport Horses 2013, Austria
2013 - Silver Medal in Pleasure Classic, Open Austrian Championship for Arabian Sport Horses 2013, Austria
2013 - Silver Medal in Dressage, Open Austrian Championship for Arabian Sport Horses 2013, Austria
2013 - fourth place in Traditional Arabian Riding, Lower Austrian Championship 2013, Austria
2013 - Silver Medal in Pleasure Classic, Lower Austrian Championship 2013, Austria
2013 - Silver Medal in Dressage, Lower Austrian Championship 2013, Austria
2012 - fifth in class A-3: ujeżdżenie P-9, Autumn Show 2012, Poland
2012 - third in class B: show jumping LL (80-90cm), Autumn Show 2012, Poland
2012 - Silver Medal Polish Historical Costume (class F Senior), Polish National Arabian Sport Championships, Janów Podlaski 2012, Poland
2012 - second place, class F (Polish Historical Costume Senior), Polish National Arabian Sport Championships, Janów Podlaski 2012, Poland
2012 - first place, class 1 (80cm hit time norm), Regional Show Jumping Competition "II Eliminacje Pucharu Sielanki", Farma Sielanka, Warka 26.05.2012, Poland
2011 - first place (joint winner), 0 penalty points, class 13 - LL - "open", 80cm, Regional Indoor Show Jumping Competition, KJ "Aromer", Józefin 18.12.2011, Poland
2011 - first place (joint winner), 0 penalty points, class 3 - LL - 80cm, Halowe Zawody Towarzyskie - Parkury Szkoleniowe, KJ "Aromer", Józefin 17.12.2011, Poland
2011 - first place, class F1 (Polish Historic Costume), Autumn Show, Janów Podlaski 2011, Poland
2011 - second place, class B (Show Jumping), Autumn Show, Janów Podlaski 2011, Poland
2011 - second place, class A (dressage P-1), Autumn Show, Janów Podlaski 2011, Poland
2011 - second place, class D2 (Classic Pleasure), Autumn Show, Janów Podlaski 2011, Poland
2011 - fifth place, class A (dressage L-3), Autumn Show, Janów Podlaski 2011, Poland
2011 - Fourth place, Native Costume, “ARABIA-Polska” Arabian Horse Festival (C nat.), Warsaw 2011, Poland
2011 - First place, Polish Historic Costume, “ARABIA-Polska” Arabian Horse Festival (C nat.), Warsaw 2011, Poland
2011 - First place (joint winner), 0 penalty points, class 3 (LL 80cm), Regional Show Jumping Competition, Poczernin 14.05.2011, Poland
2011 - First place (joint winner), 0 penalty points, class 2 (60-70cm), Regional Show Jumping Competition, Poczernin 14.05.2011, Poland
2010 - first place (joint winner), 0 penalty points, class 10 (60-70cm), Regional Show Jumping Competition HZR/T-B, KJ "Aromer" Józefin 14.11.2010, Poland
2010 - first place (joint winner), 0 penalty points, class 2 (60-70cm), Regional Show Jumping Competition, KJ "Aromer" Józefin 13.11.2010, Poland
2010 - first place (joint winner), 0 penalty points, class 1 (50cm), Regional Show Jumping Competition, KJ "Aromer" Józefin 13.11.2010, Poland
2010 - fourth place, Show Jumping LL, Autumn C Show, Janów Podlaski 2010, Poland
2010 - third place in Native Costume (stallions), Autumn C Show, Janów Podlaski 2010, Poland
2010 - second place in Polish Historic Costume (stallions), Autumn C Show, Janów Podlaski 2010, Poland
2010 - second place, dressage L3, Autumn C Show, Janów Podlaski 2010, Poland